From Africa at large to Kenyan local communities like Kakuma Refugee camp, it's believed that being LGBTQ+ is a habit referred to an act of mentally, physically and sometimes spiritual possession.
From Africa at large to Kenyan local communities like Kakuma Refugee camp, it's believed that being LGBTQ+ is a habit referred to an act of mentally, physically and sometimes spiritual possession. Others reach out to an extent of referring it to "The Western culture". When you find a seriously religious group of people or an individual, they refer to it as Western demons possession.
This in the long push has made many LGBT youths run insane. It makes them fail to acquire the sense of belonging in a community. Actually, most of these young individuals are given "counselling" by parents, others are taken to churches to be prayed for, others taken to physiotherapists, all to "help" them forget and do away with homosexuality.
Yes, due to frustration of the process, some of these young LGBTI individuals abide to the process and choose to denounce homosexuality, which later affects them mentally and emotionally that they commit suicide. Those who have resisted the process end up being disowned by parents and family, community and the best option they have is seeking asylum.
Let's take a crystal clear example of a massive flee that's currently happening in the East African region, where LGBTI persons are fleeing there home countries for reasons of their sexuality and gender identities to Kenya with hopes of seeking and finding free safe asylum. Most of these people will inform you during a simple conversation that they were first subjected to such kind of inhumane "conversion" process. Some of them resist it and only that puts their lives at the front of being lost or detained. So, they end up stepping their first steps into the journey of asylum. They run from their homes for their lives.
Reaching their asylum country like Kenya, they don't find the policies favouring as well. During the time I was having simple conversations with several people in Kakuma Refugee camp about this matter, it seemed like 80% of the total population was subjected to this.
"I strongly believe this therapy is deadly and doesn't work out in accordance to what is being intended to. It should be bunned in the world because I love my self the way I'm ....I never woke up and I just decided to become A Transgender ..I was just born in the wrong body ...but deep inside I'm female and that should not be debated for;
many scenarios here in KENYa kakuma refugee camp were by This deadly therapy has been greatly fueled by UNHCR through Danish Refugee Council, where by studies have been conducted forcing to change of persons sexual orientation ,gender identity or gender expression. This should greatly be condenmed, gender and sexuality is nature chosen not a lesson". These were some of the words of desperate LGBTI refugees in the camp.
This therapy further creates more confusion and has encountered for the death of many LGBT through succide since it doesn't spread hope rather emphasizes hate and criticism of ones' gender expression and sexual orientation.
"I remember not only once or twice we have been forced to be "normal" im already in my right minds and I don't need to convert to anything that I can't suit".... another folk adds.
In most cases, this weird therapy happens on a base line of providing protection. Security entities, organisations, health facilities especially mental health units, in the camp openly tell folks whom have gone to them for their services that they are reasons of their sexualities that they are experiencing homophobia, and once they do away with it, (homosexuality), they won't need to run to their offices requesting for their services. This happens in a way of sending them a reminder that, "we have no help for you here if your still a homosexual". As a result of frustration, embarrassment and depression, cases of suicidal attempts, ideations, trauma increases among these vulnerables.
To my conclusion, no LGBT should be forced to live a life one wants because its harmful emotionally. Such kind of a therapy doesn't have to be used against the LGBTQ community to “cure” or “repair” sex and gender in the name of providing them safety and protection they seek. This reveals how the therapy is indirectly put into place to erase LGBT people and i call it hidden homophobia.
The world needs to know that LGBTIQA belong, we are not mentally disturbed, we are not possed by western culture and demons, we are not a problem to humanity 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈 we are humans just like the rest.
Laws were made to govern people, but I'm afraid how some penal codes and enacted laws turn to hunt or target someone because of his/her/their gender identity and sexual orientation. Love should be emphasized, not preaching hate and criticism to the extreme of letting a person resort to suicide or asylum as the only option to escape pain and other risks.
Freedom shouldn't be impractical, this was made very clear in the Universal Declaration of Human right "Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
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